$150.00 AUD

3 monthly payments

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Online Circle Facilitator Training - Payment Plan

Become a confident facilitator and space holder

What you'll get:

  • 1. The confidence and all the tools you need to facilitate Circle in a safe, responsible and inclusive way

    2. A deep, embodied understanding of Circle practice

    3. A strong connection to your own unique story and voice as a facilitator and how you can serve your community

    4. A library of personal practices to support your growth as a facilitator

    5. A crystal clear, proven framework with everything you need to know to start running your own Circles

    6. The most comprehensive circle manual out there; a combination of ancient teachings and modern practices (with all the Circle elements, different lineages, styles, design templates and further resources)

    7. Ongoing support through access to a Facebook group of Circle facilitators 


The dates and times for the live online sessions are:

27 February  7PM-9PM AEDT

5 March  7PM-9PM AEDT

12 March  7PM-9PM AEDT

19 March  7PM-9PM AEDT

26 March 7PM-8PM AEDT (Q&A)